Follow @mediaispowergn1 MEDIA IS POWER: 05/12/16

Thursday 12 May 2016



If you are in Aba the battle is about to begin Information reaching us now is that Hausa Fulani herdsmen wants to avenge what happened to them in Aba last week, A mosque at express is there meeting point for the revenge. An Hausa man called his people to come to that mosque that their arms have arrived this night. Please copy and paste let others know through your sharing.


EKITI State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has said that President Muhammadu Buhari and his All Progressives Congress (APC) were playing Nigerians Advanced Fee Fraud with the removal of fuel subsidy and increment of pump price from N86.50 to N145 per litre, describing the increment as wickedness taken too far.
“Was the federal government paying up to N58.50 as subsidy on one litre of petrol before now?” Mr. Fayose asked.

Governor Fayose, who reiterated his call on Nigerians, especially the labour movement to resist what he called “this wicked act of President Buhari and his party”, added that; “those who opposed removal of fuel subsidy in 2012 and funded the Occupy Nigeria protest must not be allowed to get away with this imposition of hardship on Nigerians now that they are in power”.

He said labour unions, civil society organisations and other well-meaning Nigerians should stand up and be counted at this crucial time in the life of the common people of Nigeria, adding that “there is no justification for the increment at this period when government is not paying salaries regularly, Nigerians are losing their jobs daily, prices of foodstuffs have gone over the roof and life has become so difficult for the common people. To labour Nigerians with this increment is wickedness taken too far!”

In a statement issued on Thursday by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said; “In 2012 when the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) government of Dr Goodluck Jonathan removed fuel subsidy and increased petrol price to N141 per litre, crude oil was selling at $111 per barrel. How then can petrol price be increased to N145 per litre when crude oil is now selling at $40 per barrel?

“It is on record that on May 2 this year, the federal government, in the Petroleum Product Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) Template released in Abuja, told Nigerians that it was subsidising petrol at N12.62 per litre.

“If as at May 2, petrol was being subsidised at N12.62 per litre, and now that the subsidy of N12.62 has been removed, what ought to have been added to the N86.50 pump price should be N12.62, which would have increased pump price to N99.12 per litre.

“Increasing petrol pump price by N58.50 when the federal government claimed it was subsidising the product at N12.62 per litre is clear political 419, which is aimed at further impoverishing Nigerians as the government will be making profit of N45.88 on each litre of petrol bought by Nigerians.

“How can any government with human feelings attempt to make profit of N45.88 per litre on Nigerians, who are no longer getting their salaries regularly? How can Buhari and his party impose another N45.88 per litre levy on Nigerians who are already facing severe hardship? This is wickedness!”

Speaking further, Governor Fayose said there was no justification for the removal of subsidy and increment of petrol pump price to N145 per litre now that crude oil price is $40 per barrel when the same product was increased to N141 per litre in 2012 when crude oil was $111 per barrel.

While describing President Buhari as a hypocrite, the governor said; “Nigerians should be reminded that the president once said that petrol subsidy never existed and that it was a fraud. How then can the same President Buhari tell us that he has removed the same subsidy he claimed never existed?

“The reality is that these people lied to Nigerians too much. They made promises they knew they won’t fulfil just to get to power. Now they are showing Nigerians their true colours. They are showing Nigerians that they have come to punish them with hardship.

“Buhari and his APC promised to reduce petrol pump price to from N87 to N45 per litre; petrol is now N145. They promised to create three million jobs per year; they have instead created millions of unemployment. They said $1 will be equal to N1; $1 is now N320.

They promised to create better live for Nigerians, they have instead created hardship by making prices of basic commodities to skyrocket through their lack of policy direction.


Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha, has criticised President Muhammadu Buhari for the recent removal of fuel subsidy which has seen the price of petrol rise to N145 per litre.

On May 11, 2016, Onuoha went hard on President Buhari on her Instagram, alleging that he is a corrupt leader, who helped to facilitate corruption in Nigeria during his term as a military leader.

The actress blasted President Buhari for not fulfilling his promise for change.

Georgina Onuoha, has criticised President Muhammadu Buhari for the recent removal of fuel subsidy which has seen the price of petrol rise to N145 per litre.  On May 11, 2016, Onuoha went hard on President Buhari on her Instagram, alleging that he is a corrupt leader, who helped to facilitate corruption in Nigeria during his term as a military
The Actress’ Update Blasting President Buhari
She said,

“How do you fight corruption or corrupt system that you helped create in 1983? When you overthrew a democratically elected government? # Why are we so dumb to believe same old fraudsters and con artist?”

“Nigeria deregulates downstream oil sector, petrol to sell for about N145 a litre from 87 naira.#change you voted for #

Change you believed in #Civil servants not paid in months #Inflationrising #No wage increase #No electricity #No fuel/gas in an oil producing country #

And the youths are silent #My Frozen generation #My tribalist country #Innocent citizens dying in North-East #When do we begin to tell ourselves the honest truth?”

She called on Nigerians not to be naive, urging them to respond to what she terms as a rip-off of the citizens by the privileged class.

Apart from being vocal, Onuoha also shared her belief in the power of prayer, stating that she would play her part by praying for the nation.

“Are we as a people so gullible? # wolves in sheep clothing # Dictators in civilian clothes #Words fail me.

#I cry for my country # I’m praying for my country # I will fight for my country’s glory #speakoutNigerians#”, she said.

Her outburst met encouragement from her followers, who also noted that the Nigerian president has not been able to deliver on his promises for change.


A lawyer to the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of keeping his client as a political prisoner. Ifeanyi Ejiofor had at a press briefing said that the presidential media chat held by the presidency last year is a clear indication of his allegations.

Ejiofor advised President Buhari to desist from making pronouncements that may be prejudicial. He also called on the president to steer clear from influencing decisions made by the judges in the court of law. “Nnamdi Kanu is a political prisoner, and this was confirmed in the presidential media chat,” Ejiofor said at the briefing.

“The pronouncements of the president is affecting the decision of the court. We consider the pronouncements prejudicial. “The president should not be making pronouncements that are indirectly influencing the decision of the judges,” he said. But speaking exclusively to, Ejiofor cautioned the president from making comments on matters that are before the courts.

“A few days ago, when he went to Kastina state, the president also talked on whether Nnamdi Kanu should be granted bail or not, that is suggestive,” Ejiofor told “Now let me say this to you, you know by virtue of the highlights and apparent direction in the presidential media chat of December 18, 2015, the comments that so and so person cannot be released on bail because of the fact that he was arrested with two passports.

“So based on that the officers on the matter was indirectly influenced by that pronouncement, in such a way that on the day the ruling was delivered on the application for the bail, the judge made a reference to that fact that he came in with two passports. “Apparently referring to the same direction expressed in the media chat. By virtue of this the president has influenced the decision of the court,” he said. He added that the pronouncement by the president is intentionally engineered towards influencing judgements made by judges on certain matter.

“That is why we say everybody should refrain from commenting on a matter before the court especially someone either in his place or his position, you know he is the commander in chief and once he says certain things, he passes a signal and message to people involved even without a formal directive.

Having submitted to judicial process he should allow them to handle the matter dispassionately,” Kanu’s lawyer said. On the charges dropped by the magistrate court on December 16, 2015 and brought back to the Federal High Court Ejiofor said the federal government is only intent on perpetually incarcerating his client. “Let us understand that the matter is politically influenced.

The charge against him before the magistrate court was dismissed before they were served an order to release him (Kanu) unconditionally and all what not,” he said. “Instead of compiling with the order of the court that he should be released unconditionally, they now added the charge of treasonable felony at the Federal High court to the same charges dismissed by the magistrate court.

“The essence of that is to ensure that he is perpetually kept in custody, and to have a defence not to release him as directed by the court, we will address all these issues,” he added.


Christian leaders in South East has called on Buhari’s led Federal Government to reign on the killer Fulani Herdsmen and bring the evil perpetrators to justice.Speaking today in a peaceful protest rally organized by CAN against the menace of Fulani Herdsmen and related matters, the Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria CAN Enugu State Rt. Rev Christian Obiefuna decried the impunity displayed by the rampaging herdsmen and called for an end in their atrocities.

He also condemned in totality the new education syllabus which merged all religious studies as a subject describing it as unacceptable to Christians.

Below is his full speech;

“1.  Beloved brethren and the good people of Enugu State, today, we have stepped out  from our various churches, business, works  and homes to match through the streets of  to express our deep felt grievances and pray against the clear intent of the devil against Enugu State, our Christian faith, our Igbo nation, South East and Nigeria in general.

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Enugu State and indeed, South East are protesting today to condemn in its entirety;
The incessant killing, maiming, raping and even destroying all the sources of the livelihood of our people by the Fulani Herdsmen.More than 50 person were murdered in cold blood at Nimbo, Uzo Uwani LGA,
this is just to mention but a few, as everybody reports have shown that our people are being killed, raped, houses and crops destroyed in their numbers by Fulani Herdsmen.
The proposed Bill for grazing reserve for Fulani Herdsmen or in any other form is unacceptable to us. It is purely a private business. Let ranches be encouraged in the North. We urge the Federal Government to renege from passing the bill because from the public outcry, if passed, will be a source of major problem in Nigeria.
The federal government education syllabus which merged all religious studies as a subject is unacceptable by us as Christian religion was adulterated in its content and application. We insist that each faith base should be allowed to teach their believers according to their doctrine. Nigeria is a secular nation and should be so in all intent. Christian religious knowledge should be allowed to be a distinct subject.
The role of some security personnel in Enugu State and South East who have been encouraging those killing, maiming and destroying the lives and properties of our people is condemnable. They should be brought to book. We thank those who are doing the work accordingly, those should be commended.
We want to thank the good people of Enugu State for their continuous prayers, solidarity and brotherhood in this trial period. We must not relent to watch and pray.
Our prayer must be for peace, progress, unity, rule of law, forgiveness and protection. Enugu State must be peaceful, progressive and be protected from any evil .
We must commend the governor of Enugu State, His Excellency Rt. Hon Ifeandyi Ugwuanyi for his stewardship. In this period of crisis, he did not abandon his people. We strongly continue to pray and support him. God must hear our prayers.
Brethren today we are saying that those who are behind the killing of our people in the name of cattle rearing should be brought to book. Impunity must stop in Enugu State, South East and Nigerian in general in any form.
we pray that the reign of President Buhari and his team and the reign of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and his team shall bring peace, unity and hope and to the glory of God’s name.
Finally, our peaceful protest rally today is to condemn evil being perpetrated against the Igbo nation, against our people in Enugu, and our Christian faith. We urge all well meaning Nigeria to rise to pray for our country for peace, to pray for our people in Enugu State for consolidation.
The Fulani Herdsmen should stop their impunity and let us live as one Nigeria. Lives cannot be exchanged with cows. Grievances should be treated lawfully. We need peace and such shall reign in Jesus name. Amen.

May God bless Nigeria!

May God bless Enugu State!

May God bless Christian association of Nigeria!”

Rt Rev. Christian C. Obiefuna

Chairman C.A.N Enugu State.